Marquel World Information Technology

We allready update to new theme & 2 GDesign custom theme coming up. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon By: Admin Kosmyn and the rest of the staff of this support forum

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  • Root Admin
Root Admin
Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ PC-FreshAbelssoft PC FreshAbelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ PC-Fresh
Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ 1327832793_vtlgesuzh9yv7jb
Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ Attachment
Tune your computer like experts to achieve the best results

PC Fresh helps you, to optimize your Windows in a easy way. It supports to manage services and autostart programs.

In addition it is possible to enable performance features and adjust
settings like Windows experts. The settings are presented very clearly.

As a bonus you get a RAM optimizer and a power mode, which increases the
runtime performance of defined programs. Furthermore you get a
defragmentation and a system overview module.

In other words, PC Fresh will provide you with all the tools that you need for optimizing your computer.

Here are some key features of "PC Fresh":

Benefit from other experience:
· In case of configuration services and startup programs PC Fresh will
help with recommendations. In addition you can benefit from the
expirience of other users, because PC Fresh shows their recommendations.

Decide yourself:
· PC Fresh performs an interview to identify your operating system
requirements. Thus, only recommendations will be done, which satisfy
your demand.

Large amount of settings clear presented:
· The customize module provides access to a large number of settings,
which affect to the appearance and behavior of your system. They can be
customized individually.

Enable active memory and performance optimization:
· Every time you have the possibility to activate the Ram-Optimizer and
the Power-Now! mode, which continuously increase the performance.

· .NET Framework 2.0

What's New in This Release:

· NEW module: KeyFinder to find serial numbers
· A new version of FolderVisualizer integrated
· Support of SSDs
· Display of S.M.A.R.T. data
· A new and improved defragmentation with a 24 hour time limit
· General improvement of stability and performance
· And much more.

Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ Attachment
Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ Pcfresh

Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ Attachment
Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ PC-FreshDOWNLOAD | Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ PC-Fresh
Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ Attachment
Tune your computer like experts to achieve the best results!

Abelssoft PC Fresh v2012.15 (Tune your computer like experts) ★☆★ Attachment

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